I am a developer relations advocate and technical writer at DuckDB Labs, the company behind DuckDB, an in-process analytical database management system. I maintain DuckDB’s documentation, edit its blog, and co-organize the DuckCon conference series. I also give technical talks on DuckDB, triage issues, and run several social media sites.
Outside of my work on DuckDB, I am a benchmark expert at the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC), a non-profit organization that creates standard graph processing benchmarks. I maintain multiple graph benchmarks and their data sets.
Previously, I spent a decade on academia. I obtained my PhD in software engineering at the Critical Systems Research group of TU Budapest, followed by a 3-year stint as a post-doctoral researcher at the Database Architectures group of CWI Amsterdam. My research focused on graph queries, graph analytics, and benchmarks.
GitHub – Twitter – LinkedIn – Stack Overflow – Google Scholar – DBLP
- Jan: I am co-organizing DuckCon #6 in Amsterdam.
- Dec: I am co-organizing an LDBC TUC meeting in London.
- Nov: I gave a talk at the R/Pharma conference.
- Oct: I organized the first DuckDB Amsterdam Meetup.
- Sep: I gave a talk on DuckDB at code.talks in Hamburg.
- Aug: I was a co-organizer of DuckCon #5, held in Seattle.
- Jun: I gave a talk at GOTO Amsterdam titled “DuckDB: Crunching data anywhere, from laptops to servers” (slide deck).
- May: I keynoted the GraphSys workshop at ICPE 2024 in London. My slide deck is available.
For older items, see the news archive.